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ALENS offers consultancy services to assist the customer in finding the necessary documentation and in submitting requests for qualification as High Efficiency Cogeneration (HEC) in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Decree of the Ministry of Economic Development of 5 September 2011. 

Cogeneration is the combined production, in a single process, of electric energy – or mechanical energy- and heat. A cogeneration unit is defined as high efficiency if the resulting value of primary energy savings (PES) is at least 10% or, in the case of micro-cogeneration units (<50 kwe) or small cogeneration units (<1 Mwe), if it assumes any positive value. 

The GSE provides annual recognition of the final HEC operation and, for cogeneration units that require it, the subsequent recognition of the number of white certificates to which they are entitled. The GSE also examines requests for preliminary assessment (budget) for units not yet in operation, aimed at subsequent access to white certificates. 

Final applications must be submitted each year by the 31st March of the year following the production to which they relate. 

However, requests for preliminary assessment may be submitted at any time of the year

The great experience gained in the presentation of these requests allows Alens to have a wide range of positive feedback concerning previous problems, which allows a simple and safe approach to the qualification, also aimed at obtaining white certificates. 

Autoproduction and SEU

Autoproduction form renewable sources and from cogeneration is one of the modality that allows energy supply cost reduction and also the reduction of the client’s carbon footprint.

How we can help:

  • support the Customer in the best chioce of on-site and off-site autoproduction configuration;
  • we study the optimal size of the plant that maximizes the yield, the contractual formula, the exploitation of the plant and the sustainability from the energy and economic point of view;
  • we evaluate all plant interferences and any impacts from energy efficiency reductions  and CO2 impact; 
  • we analyse the short, medium and long term energy and market scenarios of the chosen configuration or contract form
  • we assist in the selection and drafting of the purchase, supply, rental, and EPC contracts;
  • we carry out the assessment to verify the fulfillment of the market, tax and environmental regulations of the chosen solution or the configuration of the plant;
  • management of administrative and tax practices related to excise duties electricity and natural gas for producers, consumers, sellers and wholesalers;
  • management of excise duty exemption on practices of electricity, natural gas and diesel. 


PPA contracts (power purchase agreement) and energy communities are two methods of approach to the use of energy produced from renewable sources tending to favour the installation of RES plants exceeding the physical limits of self-production. 

How we can help:

  • we assist your choice and writing of EPC and PPA contracts;
  • study, configuration and energy management of energy communities (collective self-consumption or renewable energy community)  and SDC;
  • we analyze the energy and market scenarios in short – medium – long term of the configuration or the contractual chosen form;
  • we carry out the assessment to verify the fulfillment of the market, environment, and fiscal  regulations or the configuration of the existing plant. 


Eng. Paolo Guardamagna
Sales Director
Eng. Davide Mariani
Technical Director
Eng. Semi Bouaouina
Project Manager


ALENS offers a comprehensive consultancy service on every aspect related to RES autoproduction and production, according to every regulatory and legislative compliance, taking advantage of market opportunities.

Here are the benefits a HEC provides:

  • Achievement of White Certificates (or EET) useful to increase the benefits due to the installation of the cogeneration plant 

  • Monitoraggio costante dell’indicatore di prestazione energetica

  • Fulfillment of legislative obligation connected to the presence of HEC qualification 


Download the presentation of our service



Is the HEC qualification mandatory?

Yes, if I want to obtain White Certificates. 

Is the price of White Certificates variable?

Yes, it varies and there is a market where it is possible to negotiate or sell the ones already obtained. The mechanism foresees the possibility to fix the price with the presentation of the request. 

Is Alens able to provide customer support throughout the country?

Yes, we are able to provide customer support throughout the country, thanks to our branches in Pavia, Vicenza and Rome – in Italy – , while we are Active on the rest of the market with our branch in Bellinzona, Switzerland.

My company needs a customized service. Do you offer it?

Yes, our work is “tailor made”. We provide a service built upon the requests of every company. 

I am looking for a strategic consultation, but I often run into companies that end up connecting me to a call center. In this regard, how is your approach?

Each activity is managed by a Project Coordinator , who will be the interface of the Customer; that is a technical profile with a wide experience on the topic of interest. We never use call centers, only qualified personnel.

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ALENS s.r.l.
Sede Legale: Corso Cavour 44, 27100 PAVIA | PEC:  - tel: +39 0382 22837 | fax: +39 0382 22838 - PIVA e CF 02474810187

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