ALENS is able to support the company in implementing the best measurement system and to realize a thorough and comprehensive monitoring plan.
The monitoring plan is based on:
- analysis of the present measurement system and indication of any changes/additions
- identification of the minimum quantities of measuring points that meet Enea‘s requirements
- identification of strategic points to be measured (based on significant energy users/areas)
- definition of timing and logistics
- predispotion of the report for gathering data
- collection and analysis of the data deriving from the measurement instrumentation, aimed at carrying out the next energy diagnosis
ALENS also has the experience and hardware necessary to carry out measurement campaigns, both of electric and thermal energy carriers, aimed at modelling a specific energy aspect.
The benefits of a monitoring plans are:
Optimisation of the system to be implemented, without unnecessary investments proposed by technology providers
Identification of the hardware and software solution more suitable to the customer
Fulfillment of the legislative obligation articulated on the Lgs. D. 102/2014
The monitoring plan is the starting point for the installation of measurement systems and related energy dashboards, preparatory to the activity of Energy Management.
No, it is not, but it allows to realize an efficient and cost-effective measurement plan.
Yes, it could, but you would loose the independent evaluation.
Yes, absolutely; in these cases it becomes essential to plan the integration with the already existing systems.
Yes, we are able to provide customer support throughout the country, thanks to our branches in Pavia, Vicenza and Rome – in Italy – , while we are Active on the rest of the market with our branch in Bellinzona, Switzerland.
Yes, our work is “tailor made”. We provide a service built upon the requests of every company.
Each activity is managed by a Project Coordinator , who will be the interface of the Customer; that is a technical profile with a wide experience on the topic of interest. We never use call centers, only qualified personnel.
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Learn how to save energy while reducing environmental impact. We accompany you in the management of all aspects related to the world of energy, environment and sustainability. Discover Alens, talk to us.