by your side during the drafting of the sustainability report
Sustainability report
There is an environmental revolution; the Climate Change due to CO2 emissions and the scarcity and non-renewability of most of the resources currently used, will determine development and consumption scenarios very different from the current ones. Do not wait for others to decide the strategy of Your Company.
Why should You draft an accurate sustainability report?
- to integrate sustainability in company processes;
- to give Value to Your company;
- to discover that sustainability can become a driver of cost reduction by developing innovative products and services;
- to change for the better your relation with stakeholders;
- to be prepared for the changes taking place and to develop appropriate marketing policies.
Contact Alens for the preparation or update of the Sustainability Report: in a few weeks, after the analysis of the data, we are able to guide You in Your sustainability path through the drafting of a specific roadmap.
The benefits of a sustainability report:
integrate sustainability in company processes;
improve the value of Your organization;
costs reduction with new products and innovative services.
It is an act addressed to all stakeholders, or bearers of interest to the company, in relation to a communication path on the commitments taken by the company as part of the Corporate Responsibility – or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Who are these stakeholders? Citizens who insist in the area of relevance of the company, employees, suppliers, but also local authorities and press. They receive the sustainability report that is published by companies once a year.
Directive 95 of 2014 (2014/95/EU), which was only transposed at the end of 2016 by Parliament and the European Council, made this type of budget mandatory, but not for every company. In fact, only the “large companies that constitute public-interest entities and public-interest entities which are mother of larger group, each having on average more than 500 employees, in the case of a group, to be calculated on a consolidated basis” are required to draw up a sustainability report.
SA 8000 (Social Accountability 8000) is the first international standard to ensure that an organisation is socially responsible, that it is committed to respecting the rules of work ethics and openly rejects all working conditions characterised by inhumanity, exploitation, unfair pay and unhealthy workplace.
Yes, we are able to provide customer support throughout the country, thanks to our branches in Pavia, Vicenza and Rome – in Italy – , while we are Active on the rest of the market with our branch in Bellinzona, Switzerland.
Yes, our work is “tailor made”. We provide a service built upon the requests of every company.
Each activity is managed by a Project Coordinator , who will be the interface of the Customer; that is a technical profile with a wide experience on the topic of interest. We never use call centers, only qualified personnel.
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Learn how to save energy while reducing environmental impact. We accompany you in the management of all aspects related to the world of energy, environment and sustainability. Discover Alens, talk to us.